play video ie vs eg
Commonly Confused

i.e. vs. e.g.

Often used, often confused. Here's some guidance and insight.

Often used, often confused. Here's some guidance and insight.

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play video ie vs eg
i.e. vs. e.g.


Often used, often confused. Here's some guidance and insight.

play further vs farther video
Further vs. Farther


They started as same word, but their meanings have drifted apart over time.

play video his or her
Is Singular 'They' a Better Choice?


The awkward case of 'his or her'

play video title attorney generals
Is It 'Attorney Generals' Or 'Attorneys General'?


'Poets laureate'? 'Court-martials'? The curious history of postpositive adjectives in English.

play calendar that says day today
Is It 'Day today' or 'Day-to-day'?


What about Day Tomorrow?

play semantic bleaching text on white background
What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'?


How 'literally' can mean "figuratively"

play video healthy vs healthful
Healthy vs. Healthful


Why both words are equally good for you.